Marin Science Seminar for Teens & Community presents another free science event:
“Let’s Learn About Lysosomes” with Gouri Yogalingam PhD of Biomarin Pharmaceuticals

Wednesday, November 8, 2019, Terra Linda High School, 320 Nova Albion, San Rafael, California, 94903, ROOM 207
Lysosomes were first identified by accident in the 1950’s by Christian de Duve, who described these sub-cellular organelles as “saclike structures surrounded by a membrane and filled with digestive enzymes”. De Duve won a Nobel prize for this discovery and since then a great deal has been learned about lysosomes. I will discuss how lysosomes can communicate with the rest of the cell to act as recycling centers of cellular waste material in good times. I will also talk about how lysosomes can act as overly-filled, toxic trash cans in bad times, contributing to cell death and the onset of disease.

Dr. Yogalingam received her PhD from the University of Adelaide, South Australia, in the field of lysosomal storage diseases. Her work contributed to the successful development of enzyme replacement therapy for the rare genetic disease, mucopolysaccharidosis type VI. She then completed post-doctoral research at Duke University and Stanford University, where she worked on understanding how lysosomes contribute to cancer progression and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Yogalingam is currently a Senior Scientist at Bio Marin Pharmaceutical in Novato working on the development of effective therapies for the treatment of genetically-defined diseases.