With Allison Payne, PhD student at UC Santa Cruz
Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 7:30 – 8:30 pm at Terra Linda HS’s Innovation Hub
The wonderful Allison Payne returns to Marin Science Seminar with a fun, informed natural history of elephant seals and of the long-term monitoring program at Año Nuevo. Along the way she will reveal the marvels of the biologging and tracking research being done on these magnificent creatures. Here’s a link to some maps so you can see where the seals are right now: https://roxannebeltran.weebly.com/research.html
Join us and Learn! (Masks required of all visitors to MSS.)

Allison’s previous MSS presentation: 9/25/20 CSI Humpbacks: Decoding Whale Scars
WhaleGirl website: www.whalegirl.org
Allison Payne at the Oceanic Society: https://www.oceanicsociety.org/person/allison-payne/