Marin Science Seminar  
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ARCHIVE: 2014 - 2015 Calendar

Marin Science Seminar sessions take place on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 at Terra Linda High School room 207 in San Rafael unless otherwise noted.

Download the Spring 2015 Flyer here. - For Internship Info. Click Here.

NOVAMarin Science Seminar has been chosen as an official “Innovation CafĂ©” by NOVA Education. They have donated swag & raffle prizes for our seminars


10: "Making Faces: Developmental Mechanisms of Craniofacial Evolution with Rich Schneider PhD of UCSF

24: "CSI Marin" with Detective Rebecca Leonard of the Marin County Sheriff's Office


8: "Sick Seals and Seizing Sea Lions: What Marine Mammals Can Tell Us About the Health of Our Oceans" with Claire Simeone DVM of The Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito

22: "Pain for Cows and Pumpkins: Drought Impacts on Central Valley Agricultural Water Supply" with Douglas Charlton PhD of Charlton International

25: (Sat) Local, Free Science Event: "The Top Tourist Sights of the Solar System" Talk followed by Urban Astronomer update & telescope viewing - 7 pm at Mountain Theater, Corte Madera. Mt. Tam Astronomy


1: (Sat): Local, Free Science Event: Science Discovery Day - Bay Area Science Festival @ AT&T Park, 11am - 4pm Details here

12: "NASA's NuSTAR's Telescope: A Sharper View of the Universe" with Lynn Cominsky PhD of Sonoma State University and NASA

19: "The Price is Wrong: How a Game Show can Help us Understand the Effects of Climate Warming on Animals" with Alex Gunderson of the Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies



Spring 2015

JANUARY - Big Data and Medicine

16: School-to-Career applications for Spring 2015 Marin Science Seminar Internship due


11: "Big Data and Medical Innovation" with Art Wallace MD PhD of UCSF and VAMC SF

25: "Do We Have to Grow Old? The New Science of Aging" with Gordon Lithgow PhD of the Buck Institute, Novato

MARCH - Physics Get the Flyer here

11: "Snacking, Gorging, and Cannibalizing: The Feeding Habits of Black Holes" with Steve Croft PhD of UC Berkeley

25: "Extra dimensions, mini black holes and.. Pink Elephants?: Exciting times ahead at the Large Hadron Collider" with Lauren Tompkins of Stanford University

APRIL- Genetics

1: "From Monkey Flowers to Wild Mice: A Tale of Genes, Adaptation and Extreme Environments" with Katie Ferris PhD of UC Berkeley's Museum of Invertebrate Zoology

8: "Let's Learn About Lysosomes" with Gouri Yogalingam PhD of Biomarin

Free Local Science Events for Young People & Community:

  • Sat. Apr. 11: Yuri's Night (12 - 8 pm) at The Space Station Museum in Novato (Pacheco Plaza in Ignacio)
  • Sat. April 25: Discovery Day at the Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies 1 - 4 pm, Tiburon Details
  • Sat. April 25: Astronomy Night at Mt. Tam "Stepping out of the Nest" with Dr. Jacob Cohen of NASA-Ames 8:30 pm - Details