with Miha Muškinja Ph.D. of Lawrence Berkeley Labs
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 7:30 – 8:30pm at Terra Linda High School’s Innovation Lab
July 4th is arguably America’s favorite holiday, but this year the date was also celebrated world-wide by the physics community because it marks the 10th anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson. Miha Muškinja of Lawrence Berkeley Lab (and CERN) will explain what the Higgs boson is and how it was discovered in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. The LHC is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, firing beams of protons around a 27 kilometers (17 miles) loop 100 meters (300 feet) underground. He will present how they measure the properties of the smallest particles with large and complex experiments and why it was important to start this scientific endeavor with over 10,000 physicists around the globe. Join us and learn!

Miha Muskinja is a postdoctoral researcher in physics at Lawrence Berkeley Lab. He has been working on the ATLAS experiment at the LHC since 2014. Until 2019 he lived near Geneva in Switzerland where the LHC is located at CERN, and later he moved to Berkeley, California. He specializes in analyzing the properties of the Higgs boson and also works on computing algorithms and infrastructure needed for processing the vast amount of data generated by the LHC. Miha is originally from Slovenia, where he obtained his PhD at University of Ljubljana. He is one of the main organizers of the ATLAS masterclass at Lawrence Berkeley Lab, where every year high school students attend a day-long program to experience the life at the forefront of basic research.
